
Oregon… use of magic mushrooms… many Portlanders aren’t waiting

Mushrooms have been popular in this part of the world since the 1960s, when native Oregonian Ken Kesey spread the gospel… it’s important to remember that, [for example], …ayahuasca and other natural compounds were first used by Indigenous people.

“Of all the things I could be doing to help people get through this time, I can’t think of anything better,” said one guide, who declined to be named. “Many people who come to me say, ‘My psychiatrist is on board with this,’ because it helps them process things.” Proponents of psychedelic healing aren’t waiting for the law to change…

Original Article (Willamette Week):
Oregon may soon legalize the use of magic mushrooms as mental health treatment. Many Portlanders aren’t waiting.
Artwork Fair Use: Gerhard Koller


Hemp flowing…


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