
…former latter-day saint… started a psilocybin church

…founder and “protector” of The Divine Assembly, a Salt Lake City-based psilocybin church.

Rather than a religious sect as typically envisioned, such as a building where worshippers gather for meetings and to partake of the sacrament, Urquhart sees the Divine Assembly as a revival-esque religious deconstruction, where members, in their own particular ways, lead in their own homes or at small, private gatherings… if any of the members or leadership of the Divine Assembly ends up in the courts, it is likely they will have to answer a dozen or more questions defining their religious beliefs as first laid out in United States vs. Meyers, a 1996 case which ruled against defendant David Meyers seeking religious protection for cannabis consumption.

Original Article (East Bay Times):
This former latter-day saint politician started a psilocybin church – but is it legal?
Artwork Fair Use: Scott Darbey


Hemp flowing…


There will be oil


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