…excited for in… 2022?
Many local advocates and practitioners see decriminalization efforts as the next big step for their movement… criminalization of entheogens “was really more political than anything else”… looking forward to seeing what else local advocates can accomplish to make them more accessible and safe to use… people “are finding very deep healing through plants that aren’t protected in the same way that we’ll soon have for psilocybin therapy”
…psychedelic practitioners have been drawn to their field in a variety of ways… the advocates who led the Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor campaign have now launched a statewide movement called Decriminalize Nature Michigan… despite the many potential challenges, advocates are still enthused for what’s ahead… advocates agree that they’re in the middle of a watershed moment for social acceptance of psychedelics… the Portland-based Plant Medicine Healing Alliance’s proposal is “in a very different lane” than Measure 109, which allowed psilocybin-assisted therapy, in that advocates are not asking Portland City Hall to regulate fungi medicines through licensed channels… is bringing an ambitious proposal to Portland City Hall: It wants to decriminalize the cultivation, possession and use of plant and fungi…
Original Article (Concentrate & Willamette Week):
Opening minds: How psychedelic medicine is catching on in Southeast Michigan & What are you most excited for in Washtenaw County in 2022? & Advocacy group aims to decriminalize ayahuasca in Portland
Artwork Fair Use: Ivar Leidus
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