
Magic mushrooms… San Francisco…

Hodges said his church, which has nearly 92,000 members, is accepting new members only at its original location in Oakland.

Dave Hodges, the founder of Zide Door… his organization is not relying on the Board of Supervisors’ 2022 resolution for legal protection and is instead relying on the federal government’s First Amendment right to freedom of religion… The Living Church openly advertises its mushroom menu, which includes a range of psilocybin mushrooms with names like Medusa and Penis Envy, as well as mushroom-infused chocolates, gummies and capsules. The menu includes prices for each product but is also careful to ask, “Please choose a thank you gift at your level of support,” and refers to purchases as donations… cracking down on these physical locations is unlikely to stop the flow of psilocybin; hundreds of mushroom delivery services are operating on social media platforms like Instagram and Telegram, offering same-day shipping across the Bay Area.

Original Article (SF Gate):
Magic mushrooms are for sale in SF, and the city government has no idea what to do
Artwork Fair Use: Alexey Akindinov


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