
Jeff Sessions wages war on natural weed, as he grants maker of fentanyl a monopoly on synthetic THC

Instead of allowing people to use a natural form of a plant that can cure them, Jeff Sessions will use taxpayer dollars to continue cannabis prohibition while his DEA grants a monopoly on the exact same substance—only synthetic—to Insys [who has attempted to stop the natural marijuana market and were arrested for allegedly bribing doctors].

Along with the executives, Michael Baich, the former CEO of Insys, was also charged in an indictment filed in federal court. Even the company’s billionaire founder, John Kapoor was arrested in October for his role in the bribery scheme. He was freed on a $1 million bail after pleading not guilty. The idea that the DEA would provide a company–who was caught bribing doctors to prescribe opioid drugs that have led to one of the largest addiction problems in the history of the world—with a pass to sell their synthetic version of a plant they continue to kidnap, cage, and kill people over, is infuriating, to say the least.

Original Article (Free Thought Project):
Jeff Sessions wages war on natural weed, as he grants maker of fentanyl a monopoly on synthetic THC
Artwork Fair Use: Ryan J. Reilly


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