Stop blaming [the current attorney general] for America’s anti-pot drug policy
The cannabis industry seems to have forgotten that Congress is king, and it is has allowed the [current] attorney general to wage his psychological war on legal marijuana.
But Congress has made no real attempt to change the laws surrounding marijuana. Not even as more than 60 percent of the population now believes that weed should be taxed and regulated the same as alcohol and tobacco … Congress is only barely progressing on the issue. Marijuana still has a long way to go. Perhaps it is time to… start applying pressure to our elected officials. It is imperative that we change the country’s pot law at the federal level because as long as marijuana remains a Schedule I banned substance, the buzzards of uncertainly will continue to circle an industry predicted to employ several hundred thousand workers and generate billions of dollars in tax revenue.
Original Article (Cannabis News):
Stop blaming [the current attorney general] for America’s anti-pot drug policy
Artwork Fair Use: Stuart Seeger