
Sacred Source Sanctuary: persecuted church or illegal pot dispensary?

“People from organized religions were persecuting me for my belief in cannabis as sacrament. Demanding their secular members invade temples where believers obtain sacrament and learn the ways of peace, these persecutors relentlessly attacked with words of hatred and violence.” — from the sixth of “The Nine Epiphanies.

​This is a confederation of eight… churches — seven more are in the planning stage — that profess the sacredness of the nature and the healing qualities of one particular natural substance …

This young religion already has a scripture… “The Nine Epiphanies” draws on Eastern mystical traditions. The text recounts a series of dreams in which the subject overcomes illness, anger, suffering and fear by relying on ancient wisdom. And cannabis … On Feb. 1, police raided the church, seizing seven pounds of pot… While sales of recreational marijuana have been legal in California since Jan. 1, those sales must be from dispensaries with a city license — something Sanctuary lacks…

Original Article (San Diego Union Tribune):
Sacred Source Sanctuary: persecuted church or illegal pot dispensary?
Artwork Fair Use: Cacophony


Mushroom Dispensary




Hemp flowing…




…cannabis banking


There will be oil


Cannabis goes green


Weed wages water war

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