
…cannabis [and other psychedelic] colonialism

Canopy CEO Mark Zukelin stated last month that “the IP moat around our business” is one of the company’s greatest competitive advantages… cannabis companies in Canada are acting like biotech firms. Canopy already has 110 patents, and more than 290 patent applications. Their Intellectual Property (IP) strategy includes patents connected to vaping technology, to marijuana cultivation and processing technology, as well as to plant genetics.

[Simultaneously] armed conflicts between state and non-state groups persist in many of the territories long used by small farmers, including in Indigenous communities, for marijuana growing. To get around the violence, Canadian companies are buying land in more secure areas with better infrastructure, and then contracting traditional cultivators to become day labourers on their new plantations… cautions that cannabis produced in the Caribbean will mostly be destined for refining into oils for export to Canadian (and eventually US) markets. “Local people don’t have access to the refining, that belongs to the Canadians, the Americans and the British, so again you’re seeing this problematic kind of setup of the economy where the Caribbean is providing the raw materials and cheap labour, and they’re not really benefiting from legalization in that sense,” said Edmonds… Since legalization in Colorado in 2014, state-by-state regulation has seen black and indigenous folks and people of color continue to face harsher penalties that white people for marijuana possession, all while being sidelined in the legal industry.

Original Article (Towardfreedom):
Canada’s colonial cannabis
Artwork Fair Use: Public Domain


Mushroom Dispensary




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