
Think the feds will legalize psilocybin soon?

The value of psilocybin is undeniable… this psychoactive substance is found in hundreds of mushroom species across the globe… if cannabis [plants]… [are] any indication, psilocybin [ie, psilocybe mushrooms are] not going to be federally rescheduled anytime soon… it’s unsurprising that many states and cities are taking their citizens’ mental health into their own hands.

Like psilocybin, cannabis has been a Schedule I substance since 1970. Every Congress since 1995 has proposed at least one bill to reschedule cannabis. None has ever passed. And although Phase III FDA-approved clinical trials demonstrated the efficacy of treating neuropathic pain from spinal injuries with cannabis nearly a decade ago, the DEA has still refused to reschedule cannabis. Patients who use cannabis under state law are still federal criminals. At least 10 cities have deprioritized or decriminalized psilocybin, including Denver via a 2019 voter initiative. In the following 18 months, Denver found that decriminalization led to no reported adverse health outcomes, no reported hospitalizations, and no increase in organized crime markets. Despite decriminalizing psilocybin and putting up no regulatory safeguards around its use, nothing bad happened.

Original Article (Salt Lake Tribune):
Think the feds will legalize psilocybin soon? Think again…
Artwork Fair Use: Bob


Mushroom Dispensary




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