
…the FDA’s reluctance to approve medical cannabis

…the pharmaceutical industry spent $3.48 billion dollars on lobbying in 2020… here were 1,502 pharmaceutical lobbyists in 2020, 63.58% of whom were former government employees.

So of course, when you have billions of dollars invested… you can ask your good ol pals at the FDA to approve all kinds of drugs. However, while the cannabis industry has seen a rise in lobbying activities it paled in comparison to that of Pharma. The cannabis industry a few million dollars and may have had some endorsement from Big Tech – but it still doesn’t make a dent in the purchasing power of Big Pharma… the main question remains, “Is this a conspiracy to take away your rights or is it to make an absurd amount of money?” Some of the cannabis users are leaning more towards the idea of “taking away your rights”… money or power – these are the two root causes of all great conspiracies. In a day and age where the mere mention of the word Conspiracy can make you feel ostracized and belittled – the truth of the matter is that “Private Interests” do meet in “private meetings” and make “private deals”. When you have an industry paying billions of dollars to the government for legal favors – to ignore the possibility of conspiracy is actually detrimental to your wellbeing.

Original Article (Cannabis net):
Cannaconspiracy – the FDA’s reluctance to approve medical cannabis
Artwork Fair Use: Public domain


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