California and Colorado are getting weed Cafes. Why can’t Washington [and Oregon]?
“We have bars where you can drink alcohol, and marijuana is legal, so there should be a place where people can use it appropriately.”
City Attorney Pete Holmes has been looking for a way to allow pot lounges since legal pot first went on sale in 2014, Deputy City Attorney John Schochet told The Stranger. “We wanted people to have an alternative to smoking on the street. It’s easier to say ‘not here, but you can go there’ as opposed to saying ‘not here’ and then not giving a good alternative,” Schochet said. We have legal weed in…[the Pacific Northwest]. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to have weed cafes, too. If you agree, you… [could] start petitioning your elected leaders. Change needs to happen at every level of government, including the city, county, and state levels.
Original Article (The Stranger):
California and Colorado are getting weed Cafes. Why can’t Washington?
Artwork Fair Use: Pavel Zuk