A store selling heroin, meth, and cocaine… and a LSD… delivery service…
A Vancouver man, Jerry Martin… opened the Drugs Store… the only known brick-and-mortar store in Canada and the U.S. that sells heroin, cocaine, meth, MDMA, and other drugs… he opened the store because he wants to give people drugs that have been tested and are free from adulterants… fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy machine…
His hope is to open franchises of The Drugs Store around the country, similar to what happened with… cannabis dispensaries. Karen Ward, a Vancouver-based independent drug policy analyst, said the store is an “inevitable result of the government doing nothing” in terms of setting up a widely accessible safe supply of all drugs. While small safe supply programs for opioid users exist, providing people with pharmaceutical grade heroin and fentanyl as an alternative to street drugs, harm reduction advocates argue they’re not widespread enough. They also don’t cover drugs like cocaine and meth… his lawyer Paul Lewin has already prepared arguments to launch a constitutional challenge. “He would allege that laws that prevent a safe supply and result in death by poisoning contravene section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and must be struck down.”
Original Article (Vice):
A store selling heroin, meth, and cocaine just opened in Canada
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