Oregon Measure 109… entirely fee-based structure
The section manager for the Oregon psilocybin services section… “this is part of our State agency legislative process within our executive branch of state government… also for clarification, for the upcoming session for 2023 Oregon psilocybin services has identified one priority and that is to sustain our budget as we’re transition from State general funds which were there for just start-up purposes to an entirely fee based structure that was created by Measure 109.“
“…just to clarify ORS 475A… statutory language for Measure 109 directs OHA to license and then regulate those licensees. Any person operating outside of the license system may be subject to criminal penalties but that’s a matter for local or state law enforcement… just wanted to make sure that you all have that information. We’ve received lots of inquires about data disclosure… just want to make a couple of brief comments. First of all… OHA will not be collecting client data with the exception of compliance through the activities such as investigating complaints or verifying record retention in accordance with Oregon administrative rules and as stated in ORS 475A… OHA is not working on the creation of a data collection system. When we’ve been approached with questions around data collection by members of the community we’ve really explained that and we’ve also connected community members if they’ve requested it and with the permission of other folks… we work with many people and meet with many people… wanted to make sure… made that clarification for you all.”
Original Article (State of Oregon):
Public Domain
Artwork Fair Use: Mark Goebel