
Oregon’s… psilocybin… [services…]… [Measure 111 – SJR 12]

The Oregon Psilocybin Services Manager… at the Oregon Health Authority is Angela Allbee… asked what kinds of complaints she’s hearing, Albee said she couldn’t discuss specifics but that the commonest complaint to the agency is “I think my neighbor is growing magic mushrooms.”

State… has issued 200-plus licenses… [out-of-state] psychedelic tourists are checking out Portland, [Oregon…] skeptics have long feared that Oregon… psilocybin [services chapter 333, division 333] would become just another luxury… […too expensive for a majority of in-state residents in need and now potentially actively violating Oregonians constitutional rights per Oregon Measure 111, the Right to Healthcare Amendment [which] require[s] that the state “ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right.”]…

Original Article (Portland Tribune):
Oregon’s legal psilocybin industry is gaining strength
Artwork Fair Use: Justin Cooke