Oregon’s psilocybin program…
“Like any new program we’re going to have to… revisit and then make changes. I am really optimistic about those changes being made,” says Jessie Uehling, assistant professor of fungal biology at Oregon State University. [Brothers Terence & Dennis McKenna introduced psilocybe mushroom cultivation to Westerners.]
Focusing on… one species “will help ensure a safe launch for consumers,” she said. [While the paper published in the Journal of Fungal biology in April 2022 states…] “combining psilocybin with other substances can also cause striking adverse reactions in some individuals,” [prior research in the journal Psychopharmacology, published in November 2021 by the Imperial College London states that use of cannabis together with psychedelics was “associated with higher scores of mystical-type experience…”].
Original Article (The Lund Report):
Oregon’s psilocybin program stands on millenia of indigenous experience
Artwork Fair Use: William Murphy