DEA psychedelics ban to undergo rare legal hearings…
Researchers and advocates scored a procedural victory… in their fight against the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA)… the fact that cannabis and other entheogenic substance remain Schedule I drugs – meaning the agency determined it has no medical value and a high abuse potential – has particularly called into question DEA’s judgment in these matters.
Not everyone who takes issue with a DEA regulation is entitled to this type of administrative hearing. Each person or entity that makes a request for a hearing must demonstrate that they would be uniquely impacted by the policy change, adding to the significance of the fact that the judge granted five requests for this one proposal. It’s also been quite some time since a scheduling proposal was subject to this kind of administrative adjudication. On February 16 [2022], Administrative Law Judge Teresa Wallbaum issued an order that sets those hearings into motion. First, the DEA will need to submit a prehearing statement by March 28. The researchers, advocates and stakeholders contesting the rule have until April 27. And a prehearing conference will be held virtually on May 4.
Original Article (Marijuana Moment & Filtermag):
DEA psychedelics ban to undergo rare legal hearings – which may be ignored & DEA faces backlash over proposed scheduling of five psychedelic compounds
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