Microdosing psychedelics and its effect on creativity… three double-blind placebo controlled longitudinal trials
In the final analyses we found that active microdosing increased the ratio of original responses (originality/fluency)…
First, independent samples t-tests and chi-square tests were conducted on demographic data to see whether randomization to placebo and active condition was successful and groups were comparable before the start of the interventions. Next, the subjective effects of microdosing were analyzed. The differences in subjective beliefs concerning condition allocation were analyzed with… tests at every session… group differences in the perceived psychoactive strength of the microdose were analyzed… entered as the within-participant factor and group (placebo vs active microdose) as the between-participant factor. Furthermore, we explored to what degree previous psychedelic experience (naïve vs. experienced) played a role in the ratings of the subjective effects. To this end, differences in subjective ratings of psychedelic strength between psychedelically naïve and experienced participants were analyzed with independent sample… tests at every session.
Original Article (Psyarxiv):
Microdosing psychedelics and its effect on creativity: lessons learned from three double-blind placebo controlled longitudinal trials
Artwork Fair Use: Tom Preney