Washington psilocybin bill would legalize supported adult use [in their own homes]
One concern raised by Oregon’s Health Equity Subcommittee is the ability of people with disabilities to access psilocybin if they cannot travel to a licensed service center… to address this concern Senators Salomon and Lovelett included a provision in SB 5660 that will allow people who are medically unable to travel to receive psilocybin services at home.
During public comment periods, the Oregon Board has heard from people [&] organization[s] representing the interests of people with cluster headaches, [etc.]. Evidence suggests that people with severe headaches may benefit from psilocybin services… and explained that it would be cruel and impractical to require people with severe headaches to travel to a service center. Others may be unable to travel due to strength, pain, or mobility issues.
Original Article (Bill of Health):
Washington psilocybin bill would legalize supported adult use
Artwork Fair Use: Lmacewen