Keeping ahead of the corporate interests: attorney discusses decriminalize nature…
[For-profit corporations planning on profiting through legal manipulations of false wars].
The overarching context… comes through clearly: we’re in an ‘arms race’ between the rapidly-expanding psychedelic pharmaceutical start-up sector that seeks a monopoly through federal regulatory approval, on the one part, and the citizenry who seek immediate equitable access for all in a manner analogous to the way the medical cannabis movement moved forward. (One critical distinction between the cannabis space and the psychedelic space remains the impossibility of any corporate interests moving towards FDA approval of cannabis due a result of DEA obstruction.)… a decisive move forward to occupy as much as ground as possible during the time lag in which the psychedelic startup sector continues to raise funds in pursuit of FDA approval.
Original Article (Westword):
Keeping ahead of the corporate interests: attorney discusses decriminalize nature…
Artwork Fair Use: montanasuffragettes