
What psychedelia can learn from Clusterbusters

…if someone is desperate and suicidal, of course they should be able to try psychedelics, as quickly and safely as possible. The healthcare system is broken, the FDA approval system is slow and very expensive…and people can sometimes heal themselves outside of the medical system. 

Clusterbusters is a really interesting example of a peer support group which manages to find a balance between safety and accessibility. It seems a pretty safe community in how it educates its members on the safe use of low dose psychedelics to treat their headaches … sometimes doctors give up… people, like trees, require a broad network of support for survival… as a community health model Clusterbusters reminds me a bit of the Dallas Buyers Club (an underground peer support group helping AIDS sufferers get medicine). Perhaps it is replicable, for communities of illness like, say, long COVID sufferers. In Europe, countries have experimented with the social club model of regulation for cannabis, and maybe something similar could be tried for psychedelics.

Original Article (Ecstatic Integration):
What psychedelia can learn from Clusterbusters
Artwork Fair Use: Cecbur


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