With the rise of legal weed, drug education moves from ‘don’t’ to ‘delay’
Drug prevention education in schools has evolved significantly since the “Just Say No” days of the ’80s — and now typically takes an approach that’s more appropriate for the era of ubiquitous weed access. It’s one that emphasizes decision-making and critical thinking skills instead of abstinence.
One approach is… an evidence-based course of study that has been used in about 20 schools… in a nutshell, the focus now is on facts, not fear. Also conspicuously absent are simplistic dictates like “Just say no.” Instead, teachers spur students to examine data, speculate on motives, discuss risks and deliberate on their own goals and values. Ashley Brady, a Being Adept instructor, was completely open about her method when she stood in front of the eighth-graders at Marin Primary and Middle School, a private school in Larkspur. “I’m not here to tell you what to do today. Not at all,” she began. “I’m here to give you the most up-to-date information possible so that you can make your own healthy, informed decisions.”
Original Article (NBC News):
With the rise of legal weed, drug education moves from ‘don’t’ to ‘delay’
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