…psilocybin is a “relatively safe”… with serious reactions being rare and short-lived
The majority of EMT seekers said they had consumed other substances within the same session as the magic mushrooms, with 37% reporting cannabis use and 32% reporting alcohol use. When asked why they felt the adverse experience had occurred, the most commonly cited reasons were being in the wrong mind-set (47%), being in the wrong place (37%), and substance mixing (37%).
An analysis of a large international drug survey suggests that psilocybin is a relatively safe drug, with only 0.2% of magic mushroom users having sought emergency medical care after use. The findings, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, further suggest that such adverse incidents are most often psychological in nature and resolved within 24 hours…. Respondents who had used magic mushrooms in the past year were asked whether they had ever sought EMT after use. Of the 9,233 respondents who answered this question about emergency medical treatment, 19 of them (0.2%) had sought such treatment. Younger age was a significant predictor of having sought EMT, while neither first-time use nor frequency of use in the past year were significant predictors.
Original Article (Psypost):
Large survey suggests psilocybin is a “relatively safe” drug, with serious reactions being rare and short-lived
Artwork Fair Use: Erik Fenderson