
Denver City Council digs Into more mushroom decriminalization… panel reports no issues since decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms

“Arrests related to psilocybin decreased by more than half since the passage of I-301,” the review panel’s recent report notes… arrests involving mushrooms in Denver are down 50% compared to before decriminalization and, of arrests involving mushrooms, 89% include other illicit substances. Mushrooms also account for less than 1% of drug felonies and misdemeanors in Denver.

Matthews noted that what may appear to many members of the public as recreational use can have very therapeutic benefits. “While we do understand that there certainly has, is, and will be recreational use with psilocybin mushrooms — and frankly, many other substances — we do feel that given the safety profile of psilocybin… that both the city government and residents of the City and County of Denver can feel comfortable moving forward expanding the civil liberties of mushrooms,” he added. Denver hospitals have no data for emergencies related to mushrooms, Matthews said. That includes no reports of fatal overdoses from mushrooms and no recorded accounts of someone under the influence of mushrooms injuring or killing someone else… “We can see from the arrests and the safety data and the use data that the sky has, in fact, not fallen with psilocybin decriminalization,” said Matthews, who led the Denver decriminalization campaign.

Original Article (9News & Westword):
Denver panel reports no issues since decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms & Denver city council digs into more mushroom decriminalization
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