Human writes: we have lost the war on drugs
The careless disregard for life, and the disrespect for the dead, are the toll of the “war on drugs”. The bloody trail left by this war questions our very humanity … A 145% rise in drug-related deaths in the decade, with 450,000 deaths in 2015 alone … more than 71,000 overdose deaths in the United States in 2017 alone.
Modern drugs are more dangerous than ever before. And far more available. Yet we still hear leaders – including our own – blathering on about becoming drug-free … The United Nations called for a “drug-free world” in 1998, and then 2008 again, with the slogan “We can do it”. Um, really? A push for policy reform failed in UNGASS 2016, the fantastical rhetoric remains. Who are they trying to kid? In fact, we have not even “remotely reduced” the global supply of drugs, says a report that came out earlier this week. The UN drug strategy of the last 10 years has been a “spectacular failure”, says the report from a network of 174 non-governmental organisations under the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).
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Human writes: we have lost the war on drugs
Artwork Fair Use: Tess Gruenberg