Statement on Open Science and Open Praxis with psilocybin, MDMA, and similar substances
The leaders of the professional psychedelic research community have come together to defend their heritage of collaboration and frontline social justice. Signatories have committed to uphold the following principals :
*Intellectual and scientific integrity: “We affirm that we report the truth as we find it, not as we or others might prefer it to be found.”
*In service: “We are called to this work in the spirit of service.”
*Open science and praxis: “We will not withhold, nor will we require others to withhold, materials or knowledge (experiences, observations, discoveries, methods, best practices, or the like) for commercial advantage.”
*Non-interference: “We will strive to place our discoveries in the public domain, for the benefit of all.” (This means discoveries cannot be patented and privatized).
The Eugene Center for Ethnobotanical Studies is a Signatory
Original Article (CSP):
Statement on Open Science and Open Praxis with psilocybin, MDMA, and similar substances
Artwork Fair Use: ECfES