
Potent psychedelic DMT mimics near-death experience in the brain

Researchers from Imperial College London set out to look at the similarities between the DMT experience and reports of NDEs.. Their findings [were] published [in August 2018] in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, reveal a large overlap between those who have had NDEs and healthy volunteers administered DMT.

Following each dosing session, the 13 healthy volunteers filled out exactly the same questionnaire to find out what sort of experiences they had whilst on DMT and how this compared to the NDE group. The team found that all volunteers scored above a given threshold for determining an NDE, showing that DMT could indeed mimic actual near death experiences and to a comparable intensity as those who have actually had an NDE.

From the Article (Imperial College of London):
Potent psychedelic DMT mimics near-death experience in the brain
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