The Psychedelic Society revisited: on reducing valves, reality tunnels and the question of psychedelic culture
“Reading the Psychedelic Society many years ago, in a time when I immersed myself in the universe of McKenna’s writings and talks, I was captivated by the idea. Yet in the years to come my thoughts of the subject have become less certain and unequivocal”.
Like many of McKenna’s ideas, the concept of the psychedelic society as a society without belief and ideology was a brilliantly articulated and inspiring notion, yet it seemed to have a suspect air of unexamined utopianism. Was it possible to live without culture and ideology? Was a society without certain types of shared beliefs and constructs even conceivable? In this essay, I wish to convey some of my thoughts and reflections on the subject following a recent encounter with a Spanish psytrance tribe.
Original Article (Psychedelic Culture):
The Psychedelic Society revisited: On reducing valves, reality tunnels and the question of psychedelic culture
Artwork Fair Use: Brockhaus and Efron