Modern Culture

…the future of psychedelics

…there is so much more we have to learn, and it all begins with talking to one another. Progress relies on an established reality, the proven facts that will convince healthcare providers, politicians and eventually the public at large that these substances can improve our quality of life. Original Article (Rolling Stone):The battle for the…

Modern Culture

…transforming… health…

Much like the legalization of cannabis, voters may have pushed laws faster than some legislatures would have liked. …in the case of psychedelics, demonstration projects could help control sky-high costs. Psychedelic therapy has already received criticism because of its relatively high cost, which can be upwards of thousands of dollars out-of-pocket. In the middle of…


Denver City Council digs Into more mushroom decriminalization… panel reports no issues since decriminalization of psilocybin mushrooms

“Arrests related to psilocybin decreased by more than half since the passage of I-301,” the review panel’s recent report notes… arrests involving mushrooms in Denver are down 50% compared to before decriminalization and, of arrests involving mushrooms, 89% include other illicit substances. Mushrooms also account for less than 1% of drug felonies and misdemeanors in…


Psychedelics and spirituality

…the emergence of what is known today as shamanism and psychedelic rituals and trips can be traced back to the expanded visionary ritual capacity expressed by… human ancestors. The past and present events have shown that the synergy between religion and psychedelics will remain unbroken even in generations to come. Psychedelics have survived various forms…


California advances decriminalizing psychedelic substances [through Assembly Public Safety Committee]

[The bill SB 519’s sponsor states] “people will be able to cultivate for personal use… some like mushrooms… it will allow, just like we did for cannabis, cultivation of small amounts for personal use.” California has moved another step closer to decriminalizing psychedelics amid a debate over whether their prohibition is an outdated remnant of the…


Psychedelic [social sharing Senate bill]

…would amend the state criminal code to specifically permit both the cultivation and distribution of certain psychedelics… the bill allows “social sharing” of psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, ibogaine, MDMA, mescaline, and DMT. Social sharing” is defined as the “giving away” or “consensual administering… not for financial gain.” The bill also declares that the “planting, cultivating, harvesting,…


[Entheogen] advocates eye… reform

At last, a new era for entheogenic plants has begun… the idea is to essentially convince… district attorneys to make investigation and prosecution of crimes related to entheogenic plants their city’s lowest law enforcement priority. In September [2020], that’s what Ann Arbor’s City Council in Michigan voted unanimously to do. A term used to categorize plants…


Barred from selling pot, Windsor man now giving it away

Not even two weeks after being raided by the Windsor police drug squad for allegedly selling cannabis illegally, the Compassion House was packing them in again this week, only now the pot was being given away. “This is what it’s all about at Compassion House,” owner Leo Lucier said Friday between truck runs of coats…

Modern Culture

Are psychedelic [plant/fungi]… the next… wellness trend?

The government is currently considering a petition that calls for the decriminalization of psychedelic drugs. “I feel more strongly than ever that decriminalization will happen,” says Trevor Millar, executive director of Canadian Psychedelic Association, “We’re 10 years ahead of where I thought we’d be at this stage of the game five years ago.” “We know…