…psychedelic… its big promise?
In 2020, the Bill Richards Center for Healing became… non-university site in the United States… receiv[ing] FDA clearance to conduct clinical trials with psilocybin…
Psychedelics have drawn an unlikely crowd of evangelists, and many of the cultural battle lines that defined the War on Drugs are being erased. You can find supporters in both former Texas governor Rick Perry and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; retired beatniks and the billionaire owner of the New York Mets; the former head of the National Institute of Mental Health and the former heavyweight boxing champion of the world… Mike Tyson. It’s a bizarre coalition, united by optimism that the long-lost promise… may yet be fulfilled.
Original Article (Washingtonian):
Can psychedelic therapy fulfill its big promise?
Artwork Fair Use: Dr. Hans-Günter Wagner