…magic mushroom… smell loss?
Later that night, he reveled in the enchiladas they had for dinner. “I could taste the individual ingredients,” he said. “I mean, it’s not anything I’d wish on anybody to lose their sense of smell, but to lose it and have it come back that abruptly was really — it was a special experience.”
Neuroscientist Fred Barrett — the associate director of the Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research — is an expert on psychedelics. And he has his own hunch about what could be going on…. “The idea that psychedelics could treat anosmia is frankly fascinating to me,” he said. “I think there’s a story — there’s a possible explanation for that.”Dustin ended up posting about his experience… And he says the biggest question he got from other people was, “Ok, it worked — but did it last?” For the most part, Dustin says, the answer is yes. That first day, his sense of smell was fully back — he estimates 95 to 100%. Since then, it’s varied from day to day, though he says it hasn’t dipped lower than 90%.
Original Article (WHYY):
Could magic mushrooms cure… smell loss?
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