Some use LSD as brain boost, but dangers remain
Also in 2016, researchers at Imperial College London released what they say is the first modern brain imaging of people taking LSD. Researchers gave 20 people the drug and scanned their brains. They found that during the psychedelic state, volunteers processed information from many parts of their brain, not just the visual cortex as normally happens.
This study came out of a partnership with The Beckley Foundation, a UK-based think tank focusing on psychedelic science. The founder, Amanda Feilding, says there is a lack of scientific information on microdosing that she is working to address. She hopes to start a new brain imaging study of LSD microdosing in the spring of 2018 and says she is also discussing carrying out microdosing studies at leading U.S. institutions. “We hope to provide a scientific evidence base for the anecdotal reports of people overcoming depression, improving mood, and increasing productivity,” Feilding says. “If correctly used, I think these nontoxic compounds can be considered a valuable medicine to improve well-being, health, and happiness.” Feilding says since LSD is illegal, it can be difficult to be sure of the quality of the drug people get or the dose.
Original Article (Webmd):
Some Use LSD As a Brain Boost But Dangers Remain
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