Kratom LD-50 Stats
[It appears], you’d need to eat a whole tree in one sitting to die of kratom.
Both alkaloid extract (ED50=194.4 mg/kg) and mitragynine (ED50= 21.96 mg/kg) significantly and dose-dependently showed analgesic effect compared to morphine (ED50=3.69 mg/kg). In addition, based on the acute toxicity study the LD50 for alkaloid extract and mitragynine was estimated 591.6 mg/kg and 477mg/kg. Did some quick math to see how much dried leaf this would represent. Someone feel free to correct me. Let’s assume someone is 150 lbs, roughly 68kg. It would take 32,436mg to reach the LD50 mitragynine (477mg/kg x 68kg). There is on the higher end, around 2% mitragynine alkaloid in dry powder. By extension, there is around 20,000mg mitragynine in 1 Kilo of dried leaf. It would therefor take 1.6218kg (32436/20000) of dried leaf to reach the LD50 of mitragynine for someone weighing 150lbs. [It appears] you’d need to eat a whole tree in one sitting to die of kratom.
Original Article (Omics Online):
Kratom LD-50 Stats
Artwork Fair Use: Linda Bartlett