…psychedelic returns on distress…
…the individual level where the psychedelic is consumed sits “atop of a more fundamental collective level, which frames and gives shape” to set-and-setting available…
…the results did not find a direct interaction between Lifetime Classic Psychedelic Use (LCPU) and marital status alone…. marital status and family sizes effect on psychedelic returns; to understand how marital status and household size may interact with psychedelics, it is important to highlight a theoretical point on the modified cultural set-and-setting theory… the modified cultural set-and-setting theoretical framework expands to include structural inequalities that may further negatively impact the sequelae of psychedelics on health beyond the cultural interpretation during use. Researchers theorize that systemic inequality will affect the entire relationship that people have with psychedelics, both upstream before use and downstream after use. Specifically, while initial researchers proposed that cultural conditions could affect the perceptions of psychedelics during use, the modified theory suggests that structural inequalities could also affect access to other resources or exposure to trauma/stress post psychedelic use which more quickly diminishes the efficacy of the drugs… positive social integration has long been recognized as a critical component of the psychedelic experience by both clinical and cultural researchers. The success of psychedelics relies on the positive meaning-making that occurs in these socially controlled situations…
Original Article (P L O S & Psypost):
Diminished psychedelic returns on distress: Marital status and household size & Marital status appears to have a peculiar impact on psychedelic outcomes
Artwork Fair Use: Antoine Hacha