Magic mushrooms as a cyberdelic…
With computers, we log onto the internet. With magic mushrooms, we log onto the ether, the other, the source, or the Logos – the informative, divine voice that teaches wisdom to those who seek it … The result is a complete download of information that you could never access under normal, everyday states of consciousness.
What I’m trying to say here is that there is a whole database of information available to us if we are able to connect with it through altered states of consciousness, and this usually arrives during the peak of the magic mushroom journey and stays through the finish. This source of information speaks in words and in visual patterns. It is greater in size and scope than anything that has ever been uploaded to the internet, and it is the source from which the likes of Francis Crick, Carl Jung, Nikola Tesla, and countless Silicon Valley developers have tapped into over the years for their groundbreaking contributions to society. Psilocybin [mushroom] connects the user to a type of information superhighway like the internet, but the psychedelic “network” for lack of a better term, transmits information to the “bemushroomed” user that cannot be found through conventional technological means.
Original Article (Medium):
Magic mushrooms as a cyberdelic technology for hacking consciousness
Artwork Fair Use: Nicholas Darinzo