Nearly half of U.S. adults support legalizing some psychedelics…
…when asked whether they would support legalization of some or all psychedelics for other purposes, 28 percent were in favor of legalization for religious or spiritual purposes, while 26 percent were in favor of recreational legalization.
One survey carried out in August 2022 among 181 U.S. psychiatrists found many took issue with the federal classification of some psychoactive substances. “Despite these knowledge and accessibility gaps, our results do show that under the right circumstances, nearly half Americans are open to the idea of using psychedelics…” authors wrote…
Original Article (The Hill and Verywell Mind):
Nearly half of U.S. adults support legalizing some psychedelics for mental health treatment & Nearly half of Americans support legalization of psychedelics for mental health
Artwork Fair Use: Public Domain & Verywell