Paralysis… psilocybin plan…
…Oregon has to strike a delicate balance between keeping patients safe, allowing businesses to operate and respecting people’s individual rights. It would be ideal if people could buy their own psilocybin products, know exactly what’s in them, take them home, and use them as they wish, potentially in trusted company. Allowing home grow is also important.
But [Oregonians] have approved none of that – yet. On balance, the proposed rules seem to prioritize patient safety with their strict testing requirements and cultivation restrictions. The synthetic ban may also protect the market from big pharmaceutical players… it’s to be hoped that Oregon will reconsider the benefits of allowing more mushroom species and more personal choice.
Original Article (Filtermag):
Cubes to wood lovers’ paralysis: Oregon’s therapeutic psilocybin plan
Artwork Fair Use: David Benbennickderivative, Ninjatacoshell, Public domain,