
…forward with [Oregon measures 109 & 110]…

The Governor’s Budget invests $112.6 million to implement Measure 110 which decriminalizes possession of drugs and invests $5.6 million to begin implementing Measure 109, which legalized psilocybin for medicinal use as a potential treatment for behavioral health disorders…

The budget recognizes the enormous need for behavioral health services and includes significant funding for substance use disorder treatment services, crisis intervention services and peer support services to help Oregonians recover from the disease of substance use disorders. In addition, the budget makes investments in residential services for young adults, for peer respite care, to increase fee-for-service rates for behavioral health services including treatment for co-occurring behavioral health and substance use disorders, for psychiatric residential treatment facilities, and to support the Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission’s strategic plan. Due to Measure 110, which decriminalizes possession of drugs and uses Marijuana Tax revenues to support drug treatment services, additional General Fund has been added to replace the projected loss of marijuana revenues in Oregon Health Authority programs relying on Marijuana Tax revenues.

Original Article (KTVL and Oregon 2021-2023 Budget):
Oregon health authority moves forward with selection for psilocybin advisory board & Oregon 2021-2023 budget
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