Provincetown, MA, Select Board backs reducing arrests for psilocybin… with 3-1-1 vote
The Provincetown Select Board voted to approve a resolution… that instructs police officers to deprioritize cases involving psilocybin, and calls for statewide decriminalization and for the Cape & Islands District Attorney to cease prosecution of people possessing, cultivating or distributing psychedelic plants.
Provincetown joins Somerville, Cambridge, Northampton, Easthampton and Salem, where elected officials have passed resolutions directing their respective municipal employees to no longer use resources toward the arrest and investigation of people growing and non-commercially sharing psilocybin mushrooms, according to grassroots advocacy group Bay Staters for Natural Medicine, who has worked with the municipalities to pass the measures. In Worcester, the plants are decriminalized for veterans and first responders only, and the Amherst Town Council passed a resolution supporting decriminalization.
Original Article (Yahoo News):
Provincetown select board backs reducing arrests for psilocybin use, with 3-1-1 vote
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