
The future is fungi

Imagine that beneath the urgency of everyday life, there is boundless love, peace and connection dwelling in the depths of your being. Psychedelics offer us a glimpse into that possibility. These states of enlightened ecstasy were once only available to a fortunate few, but now they are accessible through a… mushroom… among dead leaves, on…


Psychedelics industrial [medical] complex… psychedelic religions…

The Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board has been warned that the rise of a new psychedelics industrial complex could put psychedelic religions in jeopardy if Oregon fails to act… Concerns were also raised regarding lobbyists meddling in Oregon’s psilocybin programme… …the industry has already begun engaging in aggressive tactics… proposed a partnership between the Oregon Health…


…psilocybin… movement… explained

…the scheduling of drugs under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) is largely political rather than scientific [or even historical]. This is unsurprising given the… roots of the War on Drugs… the perception that the War on Drugs is over is an illusion… [with entheogen-based] grassroots campaigns in over 100 U.S. cities… there are religious freedom,…


Is there a way to stop a mushroom trip once it’s started?

“How can I cancel a mushroom high?” they asked. “I just want it to be done now. Not having a good time at all.” …kind reminder about shrooms should narrate everybody’s trips: “Remember, friend, they are not your enemy, they are your friend.” [Some] people… suggesting that there’s certain “trip-killer medications” that can bring you back…


…decriminalization of [psilocybe] mushrooms and other plants and fungi…

…decriminalizes “the possession, use, cultivation, production, creation, analysis, giving away, and delivery by or between natural persons… psilocybin, psilocyn, ibogaine, mescaline… and dimethyltryptamine” which the Initiative refers to as “natural plants and mushrooms.” Relatedly… [questions about] a change to the definition of the term “drug paraphernalia” to specifically exclude “testing equipment, products, or materials used,…


From the community editorial board: psilocybin mushrooms

Every single one of us, whether we identify as progressive or conservative or somewhere in between, has strong opinions about the right way to live, how to treat others, and how others should act. This is not necessarily problematic; human societies have developed and enforced their own moral codes since the earliest days of civilization.…


…psychedelic revolution has arrived

Baby-faced and earnest… City Council member was an assistant city attorney before he began repping… So when a group of activists approached… about decriminalizing psychedelics early in 2021, all their talk of psychoactive substances went way over his head. He’d never used magic mushrooms let alone studied the science and policy surrounding substances that, the advocates stressed,…


Psychedelic… win growing respect

MDMA has yet to break down legal barriers the way psilocybin has, probably because of suspicion about its origins in a laboratory rather than a natural source. But it’s winning greater acceptance. The same can be said of LSD, the best-known of psychedelic drugs. It, too, has won growing respect from users and professionals alike……