
U.S. urged to toughen drug war [by China]

*Lüshunkou Liaoning China Lüshun-Prison More than 115,000 people received criminal sentences last year in China for narcotics-related violations, compared with about 81,000 in 2012, according to the Supreme People’s Court. ​ “I think the communities are safer and our young people are better protected against drugs,” Roque said even as he expressed optimism that the…


More medical cannabis on the horizon for Mexico

A bill passed by Mexico’s Senate and Lower House of Congress late last year and earlier this year seeks to change… and reclassif[y] THC as “therapeutic”. ​ “The ruling eliminates the prohibition and criminalization of acts related to the medicinal use of marijuana and its scientific research, and those relating to the production and distribution…


Time to write the legal history and future of psychedelics

A body of civil law governing access to psychedelic substances does not exist yet. It is necessary to write the law. Psychedelic law is essentially a subcategory of commercial law since fundamentally psychedelic substances are just goods that travel in commerce; however, they must be considered separate and apart from other substances due to their…


We ban cannabis [and other psychedelics] but let people eat as much meat as they want. That makes… [rather limited] sense.

But the reason we have prohibition is nothing to do with preventing social harm. It’s about the queasiness politicians feel about legalising something that they perceive still has a huge social stigma attached, even though the public is now firmly in favour of legalisation …  It’s perhaps not surprising that [current “war on some drugs”) prohibition is…


How a kratom ban… [would] create health risks and suffering—and fuel terrorism

There are at least three major hazards inherent in the government’s [increasingly prohibitionist stance and] approach. First, it risks pulling the safety net away from millions of Americans who managed to find a relatively inexpensive alternative to “big bad” opioids, using it for everything from back pain to fibromyalgia… Second, outlawing the powdered leaves of…[kratom] and…