
…key for [relationships with] psilocybin and psilocin levels

…seminal research studies on the mushrooms themselves serves as a reminder of the intricacies and adaptability of nature. …study analyzed the amounts of psilocybin and psilocin in P. cubensis grown under three conditions: bright, indirect lighting, dim lighting, and in the dark… The analyses were done using GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)… Knowing that the amounts of light and…


Cops raided and shut down… magic mushroom Church in the U.S.

They marched in, seized the church’s… [mushrooms] , and called in firefighters to bust open the church’s safes… To hear police tell the story… [it was] going well beyond what the council allowed by selling mushrooms. “The council said mushrooms should not be our priority, and they’re not,” said Oakland Police Captain Randell Wingate, who…


Psychedelics activists unveil measure to legalize plant [& fungi] healing ceremonies [within city limits]

The group emphasized that it’s concerned about the potential for commercial exploitation of psychedelics, and so this measure was designed to promote community-based treatment… will cost participants next to nothing. “People have been healing from plant-based group ceremonies for centuries,” he said. “The solution we’re offering the city is to bring the ancient wisdom and…


What do… medicine companies owe to the community

…a crucial part of the therapeutic power can be lost in translation when a psychoactive substance is removed from its cultural context… [given their historically and currently exploitative business practices and adherence to extraction and accumulation of wealth a prior to equitable healthcare distribution, compounded by an acceptance of both socialism for corporations propped up…


What’s next for psychedelic decriminalization?

The movement to decriminalize entheogenic plants—psychedelics—is young, but has already succeeded in three cities… The force behind this tide is an organization called Decriminalize Nature (DN), who uses an open-source format to help communities all over the world start healing. Believing that entheogens should be legal and the exchange of them regulated, DN reverses the profit model…


What the heck happened…

The worlds that open up through psychedelic spirituality are nuanced, and require sensitivity and patience. It’s necessary to put in the time to thoroughly understand what you’re working with. There’s nothing inherently wrong with an educational platform whose purpose is to provide information that is easily absorbed by newcomers without scaring them off with heady…


There’s a case for non-medical [psilocybe mushrooms]

Like marijuana legalization, the case for medical use will no doubt push forward the argument for decriminalization and legalization.  It is far easier to convince lawmakers of a medical case for legislation versus a mystical experience argument. However, [those involved] would be remiss to dismiss the non-medical use for [psilocybe mushrooms]. Original Article (Green Market…