
Letter: Oregon has too much marijuana, no place to smoke it

Because of the Oregon indoor clean air act, you can’t smoke marijuana (even with ah vape pen) in public… …but [current policy like this may inadvertently be] sending marijuana consumers out onto I-84 to commit crimes by consuming marijuana in their vehicle or transporting it across the border. Original Article (East Oregonian):Letter: Oregon has too…


Marijuana: is it time to stop using a word with racist roots?

In the last few years, the US state marijuana legalization experiments have grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. But while companies build out multi-million dollar grow houses and edibles factories, huge numbers of people continue to face serious consequences for possessing negligible quantities. In 2016, there were almost 600,000 US marijuana arrests, more than for…


Want teens to smoke less pot? Legalize it.

The reality is that, to date, not one jurisdiction, either in the U.S. or elsewhere, has seen a marked increase in teen drug use following the relaxation of marijuana restrictions. Not one. Both Colorado and Washington, the pioneer states of marijuana legalization, have actually seen drops in teen marijuana use following legalization. The drop in…


San Francisco will clear thousands of marijuana convictions

Thousands of people with misdemeanor convictions for marijuana possession dating back 40 years will have their criminal records cleared, the San Francisco district attorney’s office said Wednesday. San Diego is also forgiving old convictions.​Recreational marijuana became legal in California this year, and the law allowed those with prior low-level offenses to petition for expungement, a…