
…about older psychedelic users

…since psychedelics have been proven to reduce inflammation, they could be helpful for older people’s aches and pains… potential for psychedelics helping older people with cognition, like slower word finding, that experience of knowing there’s a word for what you want to say but you need to recall it. “They just aren’t as sharp and then…


MDMA… marriage…

“We literally said on the drive to this house, ‘If this doesn’t work, we’re done,’” Ree said… a qualitative study published in January [2022] described how eight couples used MDMA privately to enhance their relationships… an emerging cognitive-relational model of “evenings with Molly” contrasts with existing models of use by suggesting the possibility of informed,…


…therapists to be given psilocybin to better understand…

A therapist’s own, personal experience with psychedelic substances appears to play an important role in facilitating therapeutic benefits for patients… “Crucially, the psychedelic experience is impossible to describe, and the ability to support people in these very profound states of altered consciousness may depend in part on the therapist’s own experience in that environment.” By…


Oregon voters legalized psilocybin use. But what about microdosing?

“There is going to be microdosing throughout Oregon regardless of what this committee does,” Dr. James Fadiman said, about an hour after witnessing the argument between the subcommittee chairs. “The question is, can it also help people use it more safely and more effectively?” Last week’s [in Jan. 2022] argument over whether Fadiman would speak…


Inside the growing wellness trend of psilocybin mushroom microdosing

…much like cannabis’ transition from stigmatized plant to decriminalized cash cow, today’s wellness industry is now embracing mushrooms as another form of nature’s medicine… …she sees the allure of psychedelics as being about “connection to the heart, period. It’s been seriously lacking. And that’s the thing that I feel like ancient cultures [understood] — the…


[Science and] adult use… psychedelic… psilocybin…

In the Netherlands, the Dutch Ministry of Health commissioned a scientific study to evaluate the risk of retail psilocybin sales, and it concluded that they posed little risk to individuals or public health. Though retail cannabis sales are available in many states, the retail sale of psychedelics does not currently exist in the United States… In contrast, in the…


Is Oregon’s emerging psychedelic therapy already being monopolized into another cash cow for big pharma?

The history of ballot measures in Oregon developed from the state’s early populist leanings. The irony then for Ballot Measure 109, which was pushed with the promise of assisting veterans and people with addiction problems, is that Oregon’s psilocybin program is on course to provide little access for people of lower-income… solutions exist that could…