Modern Culture

I spent my morning in a psychedelic library…

The fact that the library has been sitting right under my nose… without me knowing about it? A marriage of passion, hard work… and devotion to a craft… is all about hanging out with humans in person, inside the same room… while talking about mushrooms [and psychedelics, entheogens, ethnobotanicals and other substances including integration practices]. Original…

Modern Culture

Mushrooms… Colorado…

There is an ad in Denver’s local alternative weekly for a psilocybin mushroom dispensary, which opened recently. It’s the first mushroom dispensary in Colorado, to my knowledge. On the inside, the shop looks a lot like a cannabis dispensary, although more bare-bones. It has a table, some chairs, some mycelium growing in tubs on a…

Modern Culture

Cannabis cafes coming…

“We legalized cannabis and didn’t give anybody a place to actually smoke,” said former Boston, MA, City Councilor Tito Jackson… “Our objective would be to prepare and have a chef-guided menu, just as many other parts of our society, to really normalize cannabis…” A place where adults 21 and up can smoke, eat an edible…

Modern Culture

…psychedelic users self-medicating, but few discuss with healthcare providers…

…more than a third of Canadian respondents who use natural psychedelics do so to self-medicate. …their health care provider’s attitudes and perceptions… can greatly influence their willingness to disclose their psychedelic use. Is it that surprising that there would be resistance to reveal use… to health care professionals? Certainly not… researchers concluded that healthcare providers…

Modern Culture

…magic mushroom [edibles]

Featured in High Times… potential of psilocybin mushrooms while reaping the health benefits of CBD… cultivator, supplier and exporter of… psilocybin products and biomass… in the gift shops… packaging… alongside tanning oils and sun hats. Think: gluten-free, direct trade and locally-farmed dark chocolate bars… organic psilocybin mushrooms, prioritizing purity and potency… more enjoyable and palatable……

Modern Culture

…the future of psychedelics

…there is so much more we have to learn, and it all begins with talking to one another. Progress relies on an established reality, the proven facts that will convince healthcare providers, politicians and eventually the public at large that these substances can improve our quality of life. Original Article (Rolling Stone):The battle for the…

Modern Culture

…dispensaries openly sell ‘magic mushrooms’

…there’s a thriving market for the fungi and other psychedelics in L.A… gummies containing a psychedelic “mushroom blend” come in colorful toadstool-shaped pouches in flavors including Passion Tango Lemonade… there’s growing support… …a few miles from the first, customers hand their driver’s licenses over to a receptionist who asks them to turn their hats around…

Modern Culture

Psychedelic… trust… information

In a new study just published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Kruger and colleagues are the first to systematically examine the sources of information used by people using psychedelics… articles published in scientific journals, psychedelic non-profits, and researchers based in colleges or universities were the most trusted sources of psychedelic information. Government agencies and pharmaceutical…

Modern Culture

Make room for mushrooms…

…people have been using psychedelics for community gatherings, religious ceremonies and healing purposes for centuries… according to 2021 research published in the… journal Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, psychedelic use in rituals… around the world, “from the Americas, to Eurasia, to Australia, and Africa.”…help us dismantle those precepts that result in deeply unequal societies in the…

Modern Culture

Do psychedelics actually make you more creative?

Natasha Mason of Maastricht University in the Netherlands investigated how psilocybin – the active psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms – impacts creative cognition. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the researchers found that a moderate dose of psilocybin improved spontaneous creative insights but decreased deliberate, task-specific creativity. They also found that the frequency of novel ideals…