Modern Culture

How the psychedelic community is coping…

That something we’re all missing is community. Like many persecuted subcultures, the psychedelic scene has already gone digital. Although, while we still can’t sit in circle and trip together, and the idea of taking shrooms with friends while wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) and following social distancing rules sounds like a bad trip waiting to happen,…

Modern Culture

…psychedelics… climate grief?

…part of what psychedelic therapy [ie, particularly in clinical settings] seems to do for individuals is reconcile them to death. And that sort of acceptance is the last thing you want in a climate activist! You are less likely to objectify nature after a psychedelic experience. A high dose psychedelic experience often shrinks the ego.…

Modern Culture

Why… grow your own mushrooms

One way to ensure access is for individuals to become psychedelically/entheogenically/ethnobotanically self-sufficient by growing psilocybin mushrooms at home… with Denver, Oakland and Santa Cruz all having decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms… home cultivation for personal use… by growing for yourself, you… reward yourself with the peace of mind of consuming something that you’ve been in full control…

Modern Culture

The psilocybin movement is like the cannabis movement…

There is a bona fide movement underway with psilocybin. Decriminalization occurred last year in Denver, Oakland and Santa Cruz, and that was just a start: nearly 100 other cities are looking at decriminalizing psychedelics. On the first track, psilocybin is moving ahead via initiatives and initiated ordinances, just like marijuana from 1996 to the present. The scope…

Modern Culture

Scientists confirm taking psychedelics at music festivals makes you happier

“We are encouraged that our study is consistent with previous laboratory findings showing mood benefits of psychedelics in healthy people and in patients suffering from anxiety and depression,” Crockett said. Those who drank alcohol or under the influence of drugs like cocaine and opioids didn’t report the “transformative experiences” psychedelic users did, nor did they…

Modern Culture

…microdosing kit…

According to Martin, while consuming larger doses of psychedelics (i.e. macrodosing) can be particularly helpful for people with mental health issues who are adequately prepared and/or under the care of an experienced guide, microdosing offers its own rewards. …as the psychedelics movement evolves and decriminalization efforts progress, access to this potentially transformative molecule will improve. “It’s…

Modern Culture

Could psychedelics help us resolve the climate crisis?

We increasingly live in an age of extinction. Nature is in retreat, urbanism and everyday alienation from nature is establishing itself as the norm, and we are confronting loss on a scale we find difficult to acknowledge and process. In such unprecedented times, we can find ourselves trapped in dissociative psychological states, knowing about environmental crisis while doing…