
Sound off : on Kratom

Kratom is no more addicting than everyone’s morning cup of coffee to get their day started (for the overwhelming majority). “I’m a kratom user and have been since 2012. I have a regimen of 5 grams of kratom followed by a cup of coffee every morning … If the perception is it’s addicting, then we should ban coffee or…


Duterte war on drugs ‘hugely successful’

A top government official shrugged off allegations of rampant human right violations including the alarming rise in extra-judicial killings and described President Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte’s bloody war on illegal drugs as “hugely successful.” ​ “I think the communities are safer and our young people are better protected against drugs,” Roque said even as he expressed…


More medical cannabis on the horizon for Mexico

A bill passed by Mexico’s Senate and Lower House of Congress late last year and earlier this year seeks to change… and reclassif[y] THC as “therapeutic”. ​ “The ruling eliminates the prohibition and criminalization of acts related to the medicinal use of marijuana and its scientific research, and those relating to the production and distribution…


Peter Thiel is betting on magic mushrooms to treat depression — and he’s not the only one

One of them is Compass Pathways, a for-profit company that Silicon Valley entrepreneur Peter Thiel invested in last year. London-based entrepreneur Christian Angermayer, ex-hedge fund manager Mike Novogratz, and film producer Sam Englebardt are also backers of Compass … It has some notable advisors, including Tom Insel, the former director of the US National Institute…

Modern Culture

Joy to the weed! Marijuana legalization comes bearing gifts

“People consume cannabis on the holidays and they always have,” Smith said. “Now they are doing so through a regulated system.” Legalization means pot lovers can legally do something they’ve always done, which is give away marijuana to people they love, said Aaron Smith, executive director of the National Cannabis Industry Association. Original Article (NP…


Letter: Tell DEA to leave kratom alone

If kratom is banned many people will suffer or even die. They will be forced to seek stronger and more dangerous options. Kratom is a necessary and under-utilized tool to combat this nation’s opioid epidemic. Show the people that you will actually listen. Show them that we do have a voice. Renew our faith in…