
Who will control the future of psychedelics…

“If there’s one thing to take away from this, it’s this: Capitalist interests invading this space is a nationwide problem,” said [Bryan] Kim, an organizer with Decriminalize Nature Portland who traveled from Oregon to speak on a panel about decriminalization efforts across the country. Decriminalize Nature Colorado… officially entered the fray, submitting… proposed ballot initiative…


Drug testing: dramatic drop in bath salts being sold as MDMA

In a statement, Police National Drug Intelligence Bureau Manager Blair Macdonald said he was pleased with how this summer’s festival season had taken shape. …the Drug and Substance Checking Legislation Act, which was passed by Parliament in November 2021, has created a safer environment for people to get their drugs checked before they choose to…


Why scientists invented a magic mushroom that has no magic

…a team of scientists from China designed a new drug they say acts in a similar fashion to… psilocybin, but without leading to hallucinations. Sheng Wang, a biochemist with the Chinese Academy of Science and a senior author of the new study,” said, “The hallucination effects definitely restrict their potential use. But now, non-hallucinogenic drugs…


Hempcrete insulation submitted for U.S. building codes

Under current U.S. codes, builders, engineers, and architects must get approval to use hempcrete on a project-by-project basis, although the material is commonly used in the United Kingdom and France and has been approved for use for 30 years in Europe. The U.S. Hemp Building Foundation, the non-profit arm of the U.S. Hemp Building Association (USHBA), earlier…


[Oregon]… psychedelics scheduling… DEA

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) (on a call with former Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Costello)… said that while he’s yet to meet with Anne Melissa Milgram [Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)], he looks forward to doing so and will convey that the psilocybin case “is a golden opportunity for that agency to get in step…


growing… policy on psychedelic…

[Oregon’s Measure 109] …does not legalise psilocybin [for homegrowing, as cannabis is now] or make it available at dispensaries, as cannabis is now… …screening process should help exclude those unsuited to it. Oregon’s health department will license the centres, facilitators, psilocybin producers and testing labs… does not mean Oregonians can pick up a few mushrooms…


69 years ago… groundwork… psychedelic

This drug, Moksha, could be seen as the mirror image of Soma: a fantastic agent for spiritual liberation that provides a full-blown mystical experience and stands at the foundation of the utopian society described in the novel… Huxley’s fascination with the threat and promise of consciousness-altering chemicals constitutes a thread that runs through his writing. Brave…


Psilocybin equity bill introduced to Oregon legislature

…introduced Senate Bill 1580 to the Oregon legislature. If passed the bill will establish the “Task Force on Psilocybin Equity” that will research problems relating to access and equity in Oregon’s emerging psilocybin program. SB 1580 charges the task force with studying: (1) barriers low-income and people of color will face in establishing psilocybin-related businesses…


How Port Townsend, Washington, decriminalized psychedelics

Decriminalization in Port Townsend applies only to adults over 18 – it remains illegal to distribute entheogens to children, or for children to use them – but includes the cultivation of entheogens… in November 2020, Port Townsend activists were jolted into “non-stop” action when police arrested Annie… for charges including possession of psilocybin… was facing…