
Love drugs might be the future of relationships

…a new wave of research is exploring the therapeutic uses of other substances such as magic mushrooms, MDMA and LSD, not just as party drugs but as real-life neurotechnologies that can act as a chemical nudge on the brain systems involved in love and attachment. …let’s not forget, love itself is also not to be taken lightly. Instead of…


Microdosing with acid…

 …people are exploring alternative medicines to help them function and live happily in today’s fast-paced, tech-warped world. …people don’t like to drink anymore. People don’t like to be hungover. Alcohol is a toxin, so it does tend to be stressful for the body. We have other things to enjoy and alter our consciousness for fun…


Virtual library of LSD-like drugs could reveal new antidepressants

…researchers have built a virtual library of 75 million compounds related to these drugs. This approach yielded two molecules that showed antidepressant properties in mice, but without the hallucinogenic activity of psychedelic drugs. Original Article (Nature):Virtual library of LSD-like drugs could reveal new antidepressantsArtwork Fair Use: Jimmy-neutron


Large national survey suggests that the use of psychedelics is not associated with lifetime cancer development

When controlling for confounding variables, the results revealed that lifetime psychedelic use was not associated with lifetime cancer diagnosis nor hematologic cancer diagnosis. This was true for each of the three classifications of psychedelics: tryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT, AMT, DMT), lysergamide (LSD), and phenethylamine (2C-B, mescaline, MDMA, peyote, and San Pedro). “Beginning in the late 1960s, concerns were raised by laboratory experiments that…


Psychedelic research and the real world

The problem is that in the real world… people with characteristics that would have excluded them from the psilocybin trial are common… exclusion criteria are not the only problematic aspect… of psychedelics, however. Another is the psychotherapeutic component of the treatment, which is currently variable, time-consuming and extensive. In the psilocybin trial mentioned… two therapists…


Psychedelic drugs… brain’s dynamic landscape

…LSD and psilocybin activate serotonin receptors on brain cells in a way that reduces the energy needed for the brain to switch between different activity states, according to a study led by Weill Cornell Medicine researchers… “Serotonin 2a receptors have a spatial distribution in the brain that appears to be optimized for lowering these state…


Study finds lsd therapy strikingly effective at reducing anxiety and depression

…published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, a team of Swiss researchers administered 20 participants, who were diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, and a further 22 participants with a mental disorder, significant amounts of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)… Participants of the study received either LSD or a placebo over three visits covering a 24-week period. The ones who…


Integration of psychedelic experiences linked to self-actualization via improvements in personal development and self-insight

The study, which appears in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, provides evidence that this is the case for both clinical and non-clinical populations… the participants answered questions regarding their integration practices in the wake of their psychedelic experiences. In other words, they reported the extent to which they intentionally revisited aspects their psychedelic experiences, incorporated…