
Magic mushrooms should be made legal in the same way as cannabis… leading doctors say

Leading experts have called for a change in the law to allow ‘shrooms’ to be used in a similar way as medicinal cannabis. …over 100 species of fungi, induces temporary changes in mood by activating serotonin receptors in the brain… the ‘overdue’ move would allow thousands in ‘unnecessarily prolonged distress to access the treatment they both deserve…


What do… medicine companies owe to the community

…a crucial part of the therapeutic power can be lost in translation when a psychoactive substance is removed from its cultural context… [given their historically and currently exploitative business practices and adherence to extraction and accumulation of wealth a prior to equitable healthcare distribution, compounded by an acceptance of both socialism for corporations propped up…


Initiative 81 [Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act] certified for November [2020] ballot

Initiative 81 would help thousands of DC residents suffering from anxiety, PTSD, addiction, and depression who currently fear arrest or prosecution for using natural psychedelics to heal. This initiative has the support of prominent medical professionals, police officers, and residents across the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia Board of Elections announced on August…


How the “most normal person ever” became [a] face of a movement to decriminalize magic mushrooms

…after a few days of “microdosing,” she began to feel normal again… now that the issue is before the Board of Elections. Salvation [had] arrived in the form of a friend’s recommendation… speaking about the benefits of psilocybin mushrooms on mental health. This was not advice Melissa Lavasani, who holds two graduate degrees, normally would…


…opposition to natural psychedelics & [entheogens/ethnobotanicals]?

A note about psychedelics and hallucinogens – These terms are often used interchangeably, which can be misleading. Many psychedelics [entheogens and ethnobotanicals] do not cause hallucinations at low doses. Therefore, using the blanket term hallucinogen to describe the effects of all doses of psilocybin [and psilocybin-containing mushrooms/psilocybe mushrooms], for example, is incorrect… Original Article (Psychedelic…


There’s a case for non-medical [psilocybe mushrooms]

Like marijuana legalization, the case for medical use will no doubt push forward the argument for decriminalization and legalization.  It is far easier to convince lawmakers of a medical case for legislation versus a mystical experience argument. However, [those involved] would be remiss to dismiss the non-medical use for [psilocybe mushrooms]. Original Article (Green Market…