
Denver club for runners who love cannabis…

While using cannabis to treat inflammation and muscle soreness isn’t a new concept, just five years ago most athletes would’ve laughed at the thought of using cannabis to enhance their workouts. Today, however, more runners are reporting both the athletic and recreational benefits of ingesting lightly dosed edibles and other infused products before going for…


School nurses can now give kids medical marijuana in Colorado

The state has taken another massive step toward embracing cannabis’s medical benefits—by allowing children to take medical marijuana at school. The law only applies to cannabis oil and other “non-smokeable” marijuana like CBD oil, and requires that students have a medical marijuana card and written permission from their parents and school principal. Basically, the law…


FDA science falls short in the case of kratom

The Botanicial Education Alliance had leading toxicologist William R. Sawyer, Ph.D., D-ABFM conduct a full toxicological review of 30 associated deaths when the DEA was attempting to schedule the plant. Dr. Sawyer found no deaths solely attributed to kratom in the TOXNET data network, and determined there was insufficient toxicological evidence to support Schedule I…